Staying in nature or in an environment with natural characteristics has many health advantages both the physical as well as the mental aspect, as many studies have proven. Its significance to man rises, in the crowded, urban space.
Strengthens the immune system
Encourages positive thinking
Life prolonging
Lowers blood pressure
Develops physical fitness
Improves attention and focus
Stabilizes mental health
Improves cognitive abilities
Improves vision
Heals both physically and mentally
Prevents Illness
Lessons stress
Provides serenity
Practicing Meditation in Nature
“Forest Bathing”, is a practice in which our intent is to be present in the here and now, and to relate to everything we meet in a non-judgmental approach. This practice is an excellent way to get relatively close to nature’s health advantages.
Voice guidance to meditation practice
Sit comfortably and take a moment to look around. Try to notice the rhythm of the natural space around you.
Turn your attention to your breathing with each exhalation, let your body relax to the ground and let go of the stress.
Feel the ground support your weight.
Try to feel the wind or the sun’s rays on your skin.
Try to listen to the rustle of the wind in the trees or the chirping of the birds around you.
Sit like this for several minutes with your eyes closed, and your attention, with no effort, is on the feel of the wind and the rays of the sun on your skin. Be aware of the whole feeling of calm.
When you open your eyes again, do so slowly and softly. Look at what is moving in nature around you.